FILAMENT LENGTH-WEIGHT CALCULATOR FOR 3D-PRINTING If you do a lot of 3d-prints, you know the problem, that you want to run a job, but you don’t know, if you have enough filament loaded to the printer. All the slicer’s I know, add a comment line to the gCode-File, where they…
Laser engraving a map of your city

After founding the FabLab Winti and Crowdfunding some money, we decided to build up a LaserSaur Laser cutter. I took hundreds of hours to build it up and after few months of our free time we invested in it, finally the laser is running! And I love it! 🙂        Now,…
THE LASER THING :: RepRap Laser sintering

A little bit more than 2 years ago, I started with designing a RepRap laser sintering machine. At my daily work, I’m involved in designing and building laser welding machines for another purpose, so I thought it must be possible to build a laser sintering machine for the RepRap community. I…
The US-Printing-Nozzle

My idea for the Ultrasonic-Printing-Nozzle would work like I try to explain in the following. I would create a process chamber (2) which is designed like a wankel-engine. On the top, there’s an inlet (1) for the pellets which come through a for example PTFE-tube to the process chamber. Maybe…
About ideee@3deee

On the ending of the last year, I reflected the 2014 and made some thoughts, how I will create the new year. I made some notes and draw some ideas to my notebook and read old entries. While I was reading and viewing my old ideas I realized that…
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